Susan Dennard (Engl. OV)
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I call it my love letter to Avatar: the Last Airbender and Assassin’s Creed.
Which magic would you prefer to have and which magic would be the most dangerous for you to go up against in battle?
Susan Dennard:
I would love to have the water magic that the character Vivia has (she’s called a Tidewitch in the book). I just think being able to manipulate water would be pretty incredible. Not to mention, fun at beach parties!
As for the most dangerous to go against in battle, I definitely would not want to cross a Bloodwitch like Aeduan. The fact that he could stop me with his power, force me to move where he wants me to move—yeah, no thank you! Not to mention, he’s almost impossible to kill since he can heal from most wounds. I would rather have him on my side than against me.
How would you describe your two books Truthwitch und Windwitch to a reader, who up till that moment hasn´t ever read any fantasy novel in way of what to expect and why read especially these two books?
Susan Dennard:
Truthwitch and Windwitch are the first books in an ongoing fantasy series about two best friends in a world where magic is dying and three empires are on the verge of war. I call it my love letter to Avatar: the Last Airbender and Assassin’s Creed because the stories have elemental magic and lots of epic fighting styles, but they’re also set in a renaissance-like world—with plenty of assassins too! There are lots of point of view characters as well as lots of stories all happening at once, intersecting, interacting, and building off each other. It’s a complex series, in the style of Game of Thrones, for example, but at its heart, its a story of friendship and the ties that bind us during our hardest times.
Could you name influences and what you love about the way these authors write?
Susan Dennard:
Some of my favorite authors are Robin Hobb and Jacqueline Carey — both are queens of complex, unique fantasy, and I have learned so much from their books and their careers. In the young adult realm, I also love Tamora Pierce and Garth Nix. Their books were formative for me growing up and I still adore them to this day.
Any chance that you will visit the world of the witches again (i.e. Sidewitch / Bloodwitch)?
Susan Dennard:
Absolutely! Sightwitch just released in the US, and the next book in the series, Bloodwitch, will release in the US in early 2019. I hope my German readers get a chance to read these books—as well as any others that will follow! Like I said, it’s a complex series with lots of characters, so there’s still so much story and world left to explore!
Das Interview führte Carsten Kuhr im April 2018.
Foto: © Nur zur Verwertung im Rahmen des vereinbarten Verwendungszweckes @ Emily Rae
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